Sunday, November 14, 2010

Second to last doctor's appt!

Well, we went to the doctor this past Friday and Parker is still breech! The doc didn't check his weight but he did "check" me and I am dilated 2cm and thinning out (my cervix not my waste). :)
The doc thinks I will go sometime this week but we will just have to wait and see. They were not able to get us scheduled for the c-section until Wed Nov 24th, at 2pm!! They tried to tell me that I couldn't eat after midnight and then have to be at the hospital at noon. Who tells a pregnant lady she can't eat?? Well, if Parker does not make his debut this week we will see the doc again Friday so I will talk to him them about the whole not eating thing.... :) We are ready and we are just trying to rest and relax while we anticipate this arrival!!

I do want to say how much I have enjoyed being pregnant. Even with all of the aches and pains they don't seem to bother me much. I feel so blessed to be where we are and I am SO thankful for this experience. Please pray that we have a happy & healthy delivery!! Keep checking back for updates!


Sara said...

Best of luck!
Yeah, I'd try getting that c-section scheduled earlier in the day if possible. The no eating thing is definitely not a joke, and I wasn't allowed to have anything but jello, pudding or juice after the surgery until 2 days later, I think. So enjoy "real" food the day before, as much as you can!
And my biggest tip for recovery? Get up and move around. It hurts. You'll cry it hurts so bad. But it makes the recovery SO MUCH easier. Honestly.
Thinking of you!

Kim said...

I am SO excited for you and Ray. Enjoy every minute of the experience. It will be a whirlwind :-)

I hope at the last second Parker does a little flip and you don't need a C-section.

I'll be praying for you, Ray and Parker.

Amanda said...

We're so excited for you! And so grateful that you got to have this experience too. Much love sent your way. We can't wait to see pics of the little man!