Thursday, October 08, 2009

Trying to heal...

Ray and I have been trying to heal. We decided that we needed to finish some projects around the house to help us move forward. We had a friend of the family come over and paint the baby room. We had cleared the room and primed over the pink but never got to pick out a color for the room. One day at home Depot we picked out a color that was close to the color of Ray's bedroom growing up. As we prepare for another baby in our future (yes we are "practicing") we have learned that it doesn't matter what color the walls are, or what the bedding looks like, the most important thing is that we have a happy healthy baby. We hope to be blessed again so that we can share our love!
Below are the before and after pics...

1 comment:

WineLover said...

I love the new color - Ella's room at the old house was very similar.
practice makes perfect :-)