Saturday, January 29, 2011

10 weeks, times are changing

We have now hit the 10 week mark and doing so well! Tummy time is part of our routine and Parker wanted to show all of his fans how big he really is. He loves his blanket that Grandma Terry made for him. Parker is "talking" to us more and more. When we are changing his diaper he will make lots of noises and loves to lay on his changing table and talk. Sleep is getting better at the Gibbs house. I had been waking him up at 1am to feed him. I know some of you are cringing at the notion of waking a sleeping baby. Yes, I should have listened to some of you but hey I have to learn on my own right! :) The doctor told us to let him sleep and when he is hungry he will let us know. I guess I should just say "me" instead of "us" since Ray sleeps through everything!! :) Well, low and behold the first night he slept from 9pm to 4:30am!! I am praying this will continue.

Big changes will be happening this next week. I am going back to work on Tuesday. Parker is lucky enough to get to spend a lot of quality time with his daddy. We will have a creative schedule to make sure Parker is well taken care of. Ray will be off most days and work some evenings and weekends. On some days Grandma Terry will come over after school to help cover the hours between Ray going to work and me returning home. We just have to make it through the end of May and then Grandma Terry will watch Parker over the summer. We will see how this works to make any long term plans. I am looking forward to getting back to a schedule and think I will be a better mom having more of a balance. I am also excited for Ray and Parker to have time to bond. Ray will do a great job, probably better than me!! :)

We hope everyone has a great week and stay tuned for next weeks post and how returning to work goes! :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2 Month Dr Appt

Here is a mid-week update! Parker went to the doctor for his 2 month check up. He is doing great but he had to have 3 shots. It was very sad but he took them like a champ. He has been fussy for most of the day, but wouldn't you be if you had two shots in one leg and one in the other? :) Below are his 2 month stats:

Weight: 11 lbs 14 oz (50th percentile)
Length: 22.5 inches (25th percentile
Head: 39.75 cm (45th percentile)

Yes, I know the pic above looks like he is in a straight jacket! :) This is one of his swaddle wraps we use to keep him nice and snug at night. He cannot sleep without being swaddled. His arms still move around too much and end of waking him up. He is going to love these pics when he is older!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

9 weeks and just so cute!

Parker loves hanging out with his mommy! It's been so cold and snowy here in Columbus that we have been spending a lot of time in the house. We love to cuddle and talk. Mommy does most of the talking but hey what's new! :) Parker is laughing, smiling and cooing. He will have his 2 month doctor's appointment next week. We are sad because that means a round of shots. He took his first shot like a champ so I am hoping for the same reaction this time, one can only hope!

For those who doubted I would keep the blog going I am purposefully trying to prove you wrong! :) You know who you are and I still love ya. I do have to say that being a mom is hard. You can warn a soon-to-be-mom all you want but until she has to do it on her own will she understand. Each baby is different and you have to learn as you go. All of the advice that I was given and still receive is so helpful to give me a gauge as to where we should be. In the end you do what is best for you and your baby. You all know that I like a good plan and you are right... throw the plans out and just go with the flow. That is what Parker has taught me. He has also taught me unconditional love. This job is the hardest I have ever had but I am loving every minute. It's not with out tears, back aches and headaches but all of your love and support help me through!

Love ya!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Exciting News!

We are excited to share with everyone that we might be on TV! There is a new show called, "One Born Every Minute", that will air on Lifetime channel starting Tuesday February 1st at 10pm! Go to your DVR and set it up to record!! You can also just watch it! :)

We are not sure if we have made the show or not but we would love for everyone to tune in and watch!! There will be a total of 8 shows and 24 families featured.

Riverside Hospital in Columbus Ohio is the backdrop for the show. This has always been our families hospital of choice and wouldn't think of going anywhere else for our health care needs! After delivering our precious Parker at Riverside we are forever indebted to the wonderful staff. Here are more links to follow the stories that will be featured on the show. Please tell everyone you know to watch, you never know you might see doctors, nurses and patients that you know!

Birth of a Mom Blog
Lifetime, One Born Every Minute
Follow on Facebook

8 weeks & smiling

Hi everyone! I can't believe we are already at 8 weeks. I am blogging from my phone so we will see how it looks. I don't have a lot of time to open up the laptop so blogging from my phone is very convenient.

Parker is doing great! He is gaining weight & getting so long. He is doing well sleeping at night. He usually sleeps from 9pm-1am the up for a feeding. After that he may wake up at 3am or at 5am. I am hoping the 3am feeding will go away since I will be going back to work soon. We are still trying to balance everything but know it will come with time. I have a wonderful husband who has been so supportive & helpful.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Week 7 so big!

Week 7 is upon us and we celebrated with a visit from Aunt Natalie, Cousin Carter and Aunt Sarah! We spent the day laughing and playing. The first that Parker has on says "Run with Scissors", Aunt Sarah made this for him at the baby shower. It's so fitting for Sarah! Remember pay back will come!! :)

We had a great week and enjoyed lots of time around the house. Parker is changing so much and getting so big! He will go to the doctor at the end of the month and we will find out how much he has grown. Work has slowed down for Ray which has allowed him to be home more. This is great since I will be returning to work at the beginning of February.

I have been taking videos on my cell phone so I will try and share these as much as possible. Here is my first video ever posted to my blog! :)

Parker likes his jungle mat that the Chenteski family bought for him! Enjoy!

Week 6, sorry for the delay...

Happy New Year!

Well, during Parker's 6th week we celebrated by ringing in the new year! Who would of thought that on New Year's Eve we would be going on our first walk around the neighborhood. It was close to 60 degrees that day and we went for a little ride around the block. The pic above is Parker all snug in his stroller. It was so nice to get out of the house and get some fresh air.

Parker is growing so quickly and changing everyday. We are so excited for this new year and all of the milestones to come. Here are some more pics of week 6! :)