I am often reminded of how lucky I am to have such a great employer! I have been at Franklin for 11 years and every year they add more and more benefits. One new benefit is through Bright Horizons & it's a backup daycare service. This can be used for children and/or elderly parents. We have been lucky enough to have Ray, my mom or me take care of Parker. Well, times are changing and we recently had to use this service. Parker had his first day at daycare. There is a center right across from Franklin in the OPERS building. It is SUPER nice, kinda like the Cadillac of daycare. He had a great time. But I think that is where he got his first cold! :( It was a great experience for all of us and a WONDERFUL benefit that I am very thankful for.
He is such a cutie!! That is awesome that the child care is falling nicely into place - that can be a huge stress!!