We are all doing very well and enjoying each day. Ray took these pics of my belly to share with everyone! :)Over the weekend I went shopping with Aunt Robin, Mom & Sarah to pick out fabric for the baby's quilt. Mom and Aunt Robin will be making this in the coming weeks. We are very excited to see our little boy in a couple weeks at our next ultrasound. We are also looking forward to taking some time off in July to do some little things around the house and relax!
I never thought choosing a name would be so hard. We are working from a list and eliminating a few each day. I know we have time but I would like to start calling him by a name rather than just "baby". Speaking of names our 3 year old god-son Carter is calling the baby "Yum-Yum", not sure why but he likes the name I guess! :)
We also have some new neighbors that are super cute! :) Baby Robin's living in our tree!
YAY!! I just love watching bellies grow!! You look GREAT!!!