
Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Feeling content... It's a good thing

Tonight I am feeling content. My usual feeling are of being rushed, hurried, tired, stressed, overwhelmed or anxiousness. I feel content. I feel happy and thankful.

This little man stresses me out and in the next second he makes me cry with joy (sometimes out of frustration but mostly joy). This journey of becoming a parent is more that I could have ever imaged but in the same breath I wouldn't change it for the world. I am so thankful for my husband who puts up with my craziness and still loves me the same. I am thankful for my parents who love and adore Parker with all of their being. They are always willing to help us especially with Parker. I am thankful for all of my friends, family and coworkers who put up with me and love me each & everyday.

Coming off a long weekend and even longer for me as I tacked on some vacation. It feels good to be caught up. It feels good to have connected with family. It just feels good to be content tonight. I am off to bed early. Praying everyone sleeps well and that the rest of the week is as peaceful as tonight! :)

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Sunday, September 02, 2012

Ice Cream to Beat the Heat

Parker is enjoying an ice cream bar, for the first time! If you couldn't tell he loved every...lick!! We can't believe that almost a year ago this little boy wouldn't try much with out gagging. He has come so far and now he will eat just about anything.

It's the second day of September and it's so hot & humid. Hurricane Isaac is dropping some much needed rain on Ohio but it's so sticky and muggy. Not my kind of weather!! I am really looking forward to a nice cool enjoyable Fall. Keeping my fingers crossed!!

It's been good but busy around the house. Lots of decisions to be made. Do we keep the house on the market (contract up in a month) do we not. Just not sure what to do with a lot of things right now. I know I need to put these big things in Gods hands to lead us down the right path... Just hard to do when I am a control freak! ;)

Night, night for now...

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