
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Parker's Tubes & Adenoids, all done

He did great! The pic below is before the loopy medicine. He was sporting his OSU hat!! :)

Parker is semi loopy here. He had a strawberry scented mask.

The recovery room was the worst! He screamed the entire time. He hated the I.V.!! I think the nurses felt sorry for us so they let get out of there very quickly! It was tough for all of us. He did say bye bye to everyone. :)

Daddy went to Target to pick up Parker's ear drops. While he was waiting he picked up some blocks for the boys to play with!! :)

Winding down this long day with a good book with Daddy! We are hopeful that this is the beginning of Parker feeling better!!

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Monday, August 20, 2012

New tubes... New words

Just watch and you will hear some of Parker's words!
YouTube Video

He is trying to see himself on the camera so I am chasing him during this video! :)
August has been a better month. We now have an idea why Parker hasn't been sleeping well and we are going to fix the problem later this week. He will have his tubes replaced and his adenoids removed. He had his first set of tubes put in exactly 10 months ago today. He was 11 months old. He couldn't talk (just a few words) or walk. Boy, will this time be different. He talks ALOT and RUNS everywhere. I am not sure how any of us will do this week. I know it will be fine but it's hard. I want to have this done to help make him feel better. Please pray that it makes him feel better!
He has been in a vicious circle of ear infections since April. It starts Easter night when his right ear started bleeding. Yeah, I freaked out. Then each month we were back at the doctor. In July his right tube was blocked and then at the beginning of August both tubes were blocked. It was decided that new tubes were needed and to also help stop the cycle his adenoids will be removed. This is a picture of Parker & Ray at the doctors office. They were looking for trucks! :)

On to the fun stuff! Parker is 21 months old today!! He is such a big boy. For all of the issues with his ears we are very lucky that his hearing & speech seem to be doing fine. Once he has his surgery it will be interesting to see how his voice changes & how well he can hear. He likes to say, "Huh??" if he doesn't want to listen, we know he can hear us! :)
He repeats EVERYTHING and he is pretty good at repeating what he hears... Good sometimes and bad other times! Here are a few of his favorite words or phrases...
- I coming (going up & down the stairs like a big boy)
- turtle
- noodle
- smoothie
- chop, chop (heard mommy say this in traffic. Chop chop people!)
- clean up (in a singing voice)
- Cheerio (the eating kind) :)
- cow, moo
- night, night
- motor (motorcycle, he can hear or see one a mile away)
- Caillou (tv show)
- go, (mommy, daddy, maw maw, etc... As he is pushing or pulling said person)
The best one yet... When he asks me, "where daddy?" I say at work. So now whenever I ask him where something is he says, "at work!"
Me: Where is your turtle Parker?
Parker: At work!
We are having a blast with him! We have our hard times but just writing about him makes my heart smile!

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Sunday, August 05, 2012

Unconditional love...

Dear Parker,

I started this blog to share our lives with friends and family. During the past 5 years we (Daddy and Mommy) have had some tough times. We have been very sad and also very happy. There have been many crazy days and nights. More often than not we have had joyful and happy days. You are so young but have touched us and so many people in wonderful ways. Your smile and laugh melt our hearts. We are so blessed to have you in our lives. I share your pictures and stories with anyone who will listen. If you can warm someone's heart and make them laugh then it's worth all the posts and pictures. I want you to look back and see how much love you brought (and still bring) to us and everyone in your life.

I also want you to know how special you are to Grandma Terry (Mawmaw) and Poopa (Pawpaw). You bring so much joy to them just by being here. Just this past weekend you went and spent the night. Pawpaw wanted you to come over as soon as possible on Saturday so that he could have extra time with you. As your parents we felt a little guilty taking you over early but we ended up having a house showing so it all worked out. You played all day with Pawpaw, Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Tammy, your brothers from another mother and Mawmaw. Daddy and Mommy spent the day together and enjoyed a nice dinner. It was good for all of us. You love all of the attention and play time. You stayed with Grandma until almost 2pm the next day. This is because you took a nap with Pawpaw after a busy working at church and breakfast!! When you woke up from your nap Pawpaw knocked on the wall for Grandma to come get you. I said to Grandma, "I will go get him." She said,"No, I love to see him when he first wakes up he is so much fun!" Not that I didn't already know how much she loves you but in that moment I knew this was their special time with you. They both adore you and love every minute they have with you. There goal is to make lasting and fun memories with you. They are doing a great job so far!

Parker, we love you so very much and are so grateful for you. As you read this later in life I hope you feel the love I am writing about!

On a fun note. Here is a cute video of Parker at 20 months walking in Mawmaw's shoes! Cort this is for the kids to laugh at!! :)
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